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What are the various lead types?

All leads have, by definition, expressed interest in your company, but not all leads have expressed the same amount of interest. Lead generation experts advise grouping your leads into several types based on their interest levels. These types vary based on the lead's progress along your company's sales funnel. They include:

Marketing qualified leads (MQLs). An MQL is someone who has engaged with your company's marketing campaigns and may be interested in your company. However, you should not yet directly contact these leads to arrange sales calls. You have likely received their information through a form they completed to obtain content or an offer. As such, their interest is relatively low, for now.

Sales qualified leads (SQLs). An SQL is someone who has explicitly shown interest in your company. You should consider directly contacting these leads to arrange sales calls, since you have likely received an inquiry from them (or their information). These leads are highly interested in your products and services.

Product qualified leads (PQLs). PQLs are leads who have enjoyed your products or services enough that they will likely purchase them after the promotion ends, such as a free trial user who asks about access to paid features.

Service qualified leads (SQLs). SQLs are customers who are ready to speak further with your sales team to learn more about the goods and services you provide and what the onboarding process is for new customers.

Key takeaway: There are four main lead types that vary by interest level and progress along the sales funnel.